Doing Justice

Our philosophy recognizes two types of power in the public arena:

  1. Organized money

  2. Organized people

Justice in Action is building the power of organized people!

Listen and Connect

Every year, each faith community hosts a series of Listening Sessions. Themes emerge from the stories shared and members gather to democratically select priorities for the coming year.

Community-Led, Grassroots Research

Research committees interview subject experts and comb through relevant reports. Solutions emerge by looking at the best practices in other cities, new proposals from experts, and common sense. Findings are approved by a local board.

Direct Action

Based on the example found in Nehemiah 5, the annual Nehemiah Action Assembly demonstrates broad public support for proven solutions. From this platform, we seek and obtain commitments and support from local officials.

Monitor for Impact

As needed, the organization monitors progress on the issue to ensure desired impact. System-wide changes often require a series of cycles before we can responsibly shift our focus to new priorities.

Using the Story of Nehemiah for Justice

In the 5th chapter of the book of Nehemiah, Nehemiah returns to Jerusalem to find his people being exploited. During a terrible drought and famine, a group of moneylenders began capitalizing from the Israelites’ desperation by enticing them to buy loans with high interest rates. When the Israelites defaulted on their loans, they were forced to sell their children into slavery (Nehemiah 5:1-5).

Instead of practicing mercy ministry by providing direct service to alleviate his people’s immediate needs, Nehemiah understood the problem stemmed from an unjust system and the root cause had to be addressed with systemic change. In doing this, Nehemiah was practicing justice ministry.

Nehemiah used his influence to coordinate a “great assembly” where a large group of Israelites called out the moneylenders for their foul practices. Upon seeing the great numbers gathered to hold them accountable, the moneylenders publicly promised to abandon their practices of usury and to return to the people all that they had taken unjustly.

Every year JUSTICE IN ACTION will recreate the “Great Assembly” Nehemiah led by holding our own Nehemiah Action Assembly.

Like in Nehemiah 5, the Nehemiah Action Assembly addresses public officials and powerful decision makers and asks them to publicly commit to use their positions of authority to address our community’s problems.

Thanks to MORE JUSTICE in Columbia, South Carolina for this version of the Nehemiah story.

In Action

Research Committees review studies, analyze information, interview experts, and look for best practices in other cities from December through April.

More than 1,000 hours are invested to prepare for a Nehemiah Action Assembly, including a Rally where members receive research briefings.